English is my third language, for all those who read this blog: forgive me for the poor language and for the mistakes, I am learning and hope to be able soon to write it better.
This days I needed to read more and paint less, I don't want to see myself like an industrious painter, more as an inspired one.
First time that I do a sketch after a dream souvenir.
It was yesterday, after some lectures I had a dream, no doubt it was interesting but I don't remember much of it.
But strange, on the end of it I had a vision which was very present, real, more than real,
very simple, in a part of the dream space ,
suddenly I saw appearing a detail,
a very little red bird with the top of his head black and beautiful colors red orange the long of his wings and body,long dark bec,
he was sitting on a light yellow book like some old French editions
and with his white big eye was staring at me with attention.
What I find even more strange, I remember how in my dream I loved so much this little bird on his yellow book that I decided to look again and again at him, remember all the details and paint it when I wake up just for the remembering.
And I did wake up after that, I just verify if I remember all the details but the sketch, I did it this morning , is not a painting is a visual note.
Is very rare that I receive that kind of messages from nowhere;
that have no importance if is some kind of subliminal message
from my own brain or an apparition as I consider it;
here it is, simple sketch.