jeudi 9 juillet 2009


I have nothing left,
even words fly away,
with friend like this
I don't need enemies,
how many think of this
kind of confidence
and after all,
we don't need it at all;
to live
just leave
and leave it at all.

samedi 20 juin 2009


Almost summer time, last time I was in Giverny it was raining in the morning,
still many people in the afternon, bees and bumblebees, birds, everybody was happy to be there.

Home► Mother Nature

I saw this times a movie, Home,

is to share and I gladly do it;

don't think about who done it,
from where comes the money to make the movie(it comes from where it is),

what is important in all this if there are any truth in it,

look at it and think about it, this is all about, think about it,
make your own opinion,
this is the most important.

We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.

The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film.

HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand


Home ►The Arctic and the Inuits

Home► The Arctic


samedi 2 mai 2009

abstract blue

I think about it and all my dreams and imagination,
all That I can see,
cover layer by layer
This Reality
until It became an abstract
Blue Pattern
bleeding what is real in it.

jeudi 30 avril 2009

haw can you love us with that infinite love?!

I can't breath,
Noises under my windows
and today they are nothing,
I am just floating and
just hoping to pass ... away

Sorry to say but nobody exist
to me anyway,

I realize that you have to be
a stranger from another century
to make me dream,

too far away I can more easily
imagine a kind and sincere friend.

How beautiful lights and
how mysterious shadows,
how soft your voice when you are not in the sorrow,

did I saw you once ?
Yes, indeed

People dream about you but they don't know you,

as one dream about driving at
five years old,
which look just surreal,

I dream about floating in the universe,
comfortably installed in a dream
and a 360° vision,
stars and galaxies are not the same,
I see you better in that invisible way.

Words come from You,
through me,

I didn't hiden the light
but is of a Babylon sight that
they are delight,

I couldn't fight with the shadows night,
I just see You and the time is suspended
until all this noise will cover totaly my mind
and after that,
back to the beginning,

haw can you love us with that infinite love?!!

samedi 4 avril 2009

modern mermaid♪♫

A second version with few notes from Mozart,
sorry for the end clash and "mermaide" is a lapsus but perhaps well at his place.

Modern mermaid

This is my first video done in
Painter 11,
all the procedure take me about two hours,
it was for me the occasion to descover the new
fonctionalities of Painter 11,
I am sure that great things can be done
whith it,
in perhaps a little more time .

jeudi 5 mars 2009

The Harp

The Harp

I lay my harp on the curved table,
Sitting there idly, filled only with emotions.
Why should I truble to play ?
A breeze will come and sweep the strings.

by Po Chu-I

dimanche 25 janvier 2009

Shakespeare & Co (Bookshop)

Shakespeare and Company first opened its doors in 1951,
is as old as I am
is my first favorite bookstore in Paris.


Wikipedia : Shakespeare and Company (bookshop), George Whitman

current (video by Brandon Kahn) : "Shakespeare Sleeps Here":
speaking :
Sylvia Whitman (Owner,Shakespeare and Company)

more about it :
Bookstore Guide: Shakespeare&Co,Paris

Flowers petals

Flowers petals

and poems manuscripts

vanish together.

The Short Night

Night that ends so soon:

in the ford there still remains

one silver of the moon.

The Flower-Viewing


into cherry bloom they push -

from bloom come out again.


Summer voices

So soon to die,

and no sign of it is showing-

locust cry.

lundi 19 janvier 2009

Butterflies & mimosas

Now all is quiet and serene,
The town is waking up and yet,
The call for butterflies expect,
Blue sky and flowers respect,
Still floating in the morning rain.

jeudi 15 janvier 2009

sketch - taking flight

A baby looking to a baby bird in flight,
a quick sketch done this morning.

mardi 13 janvier 2009

sketch - little red bird

English is my third language, for all those who read this blog: forgive me for the poor language and for the mistakes, I am learning and hope to be able soon to write it better.

This days I needed to read more and paint less, I don't want to see myself like an industrious painter, more as an inspired one.

First time that I do a sketch after a dream souvenir.
It was yesterday, after some lectures I had a dream, no doubt it was interesting but I don't remember much of it.
But strange, on the end of it I had a vision which was very present, real, more than real,
very simple, in a part of the dream space ,
suddenly I saw appearing a detail,
a very little red bird with the top of his head black and beautiful colors red orange the long of his wings and body,long dark bec,
he was sitting on a light yellow book like some old French editions
and with his white big eye was staring at me with attention.
What I find even more strange, I remember how in my dream I loved so much this little bird on his yellow book that I decided to look again and again at him, remember all the details and paint it when I wake up just for the remembering.
And I did wake up after that, I just verify if I remember all the details but the sketch, I did it this morning , is not a painting is a visual note.

Is very rare that I receive that kind of messages from nowhere;
that have no importance if is some kind of subliminal message
from my own brain or an apparition as I consider it;
here it is, simple sketch.

mardi 6 janvier 2009


My last painting with Art Rage;
I think that is not about how but what I get, I use textures with Art Rage, very often and I don't think that a digital art have to look identically to a traditional oil (or whatever) painting,
it have to express some thing, to have some beauty in it,to make you think, etc., some of that or all at once.
I call this one "dragonfly":

Happy New Year 2009

Ah, so difficult to say something after St Symeon; for me he give the key to how christians can arrive to understand and accept each others .
This misunderstanding between christians hurts me a lot, with the time I realise that the only thing that I can do is to take the distance from that fight which is not acceptable and not understandable when you know what christian is ment to be.
There are so many things to say about that, is not the place as the DSN is more for painting matter and dedicated to evry budy who can find an interest in it.

I would like to share :

a letter from Robert Genn " Laziness", I thank you for that and for all the beautiful letters to fellow artists.
There are a book also : "Love Letters to Art"

Art Rage can be used also for animation films and I like to share an animation movie,

How wings are attached to the Backs of Angels" by Craig Welsh
Craig Welch takes viewers inside a surreal, meticulously crafted world to meet a mysterious protagonist and his otherworldly visitor.

In this surreal exposition, we meet a man, obsessed with control. His intricate gadgets manipulate yet insulate, as his science dissects and reduces. How exactly are wings attached to the back of angels? In this invented world drained of emotion, where everything goes through the motions, he is brushed by indefinite longings. Whether he can transcend his obsessions and fears is the heart of the matter. A film without words.
Well, it can be a true story, a story about love, a story about woman artists, a story about life;I love Chopin.