Real color and what we get on computer, is an importent question ;
can we have all the range of one real color?
To visualise the idea I show the image of a
deep yellow :
the color from the chart color which shows all the shades of an unique color,
the palette & the picker( in Art Rage) :
As you can see, if you make the choice of the deepest shade yellow of the color,
on the picker you will have all the range betwin white and black of the same shade
but not the clearest shades of the color which are yellows all ;
then for the moment we need to have both,
the palette(or chart image_of real colors) and the picker.
On a different poin of view,
here are a
Free Color ChartImage:Web Color Charts.svgColor toolsColor chart (Exhibition at
MoMA :
Color Chart: Reinventing Color 1950 to Today)Real Color Wheel